Tyler Family Assistance Center
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
As a ministry of First Baptist Church Tyler, we serve the citizens of Smith County, Texas, offering nutritious food, clothing, toiletries and emergency assistance.
Our helpful and compassionate volunteers provide our neighbors a safe and friendly environment where their physical, emotional and spiritual needs can be met.

412 W. Ferguson Street
Across from First Baptist Church
Downtown Tyler, Texas
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:00am to 11:00am
First Saturdays of each month, 8:00am to 11:00am
Phone: 903.526.6757
Monthly Groceries
Senior Food Box Program
Clothing Closet
Toiletries & Hygiene Items
Baby & Adult Diapers
Quarterly Prescription Assistance

TFAC partners with the East Texas Food Bank
to locally procure pantry items, fresh meats and produce.
We are here to serve you!
Contact us for more information:
Contact us for more information: